CAP 6619 - U01 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning: Trust in AI

Instructor: Sumit Kumar Jha

Knights Foundation School of Computing

College of Engineering and Computing

Florida International University


Spring Term 2024

Credit: 3 units

Meeting Information: TuTh 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM, PG-6 144

Class Number: 14896


University Catalog Description: Advanced course on machine learning principles and techniques. Students propose, implement, and present a collaborative project with advanced machine learning techniques. Prerequisite: CAP 5610.


Previous edition with online video lectures and assignments for reference and historical understanding of the material:


Project Proposal or Survey Proposal with Evaluation Metrics


Project or Survey Proposal and Current Status Presentation


Student Paper Presentation


Student Project Presentation with Evaluation Metrics


Explainable AI: Sci-Fi Example


Optional Assignments: 25% for each graded assignment





Grades: A: 90%-100%, B: 75%-90%, C: 60%-75%, D: 50%-60%, F: Below 50%.


Materials: Survey Ideas and Templates, Project Ideas and Templates


Tentative Schedule





Reading Material

Optional Assignments



January 9, 2024


January 11, 2024

1.     Deep Inside Convolutional Networks: Visualizing Image Classification Models and Saliency Maps


2.     Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization

Visualization Paper

Visualization Slides



GradCAM Paper


GradCAM Slides

Optional Assignment 1


In-Class Demo


January 16, 2024


January 18, 2024

3.     Axiomatic Attribution for Deep Networks (Integrated Gradients)


4.     SmoothGrad: Removing Noise by Adding Noise

IG Paper

IG Slides


SmoothGrad Paper

SmoothGrad Slides

In-class Demo

Optional Asignment 2


In-class Demo


January 23, 2024


January 25, 2024

5.     Fast Axiomatic Attribution for Neural Networks


6.     Integrated Decision Gradients: Compute Your Attributions Where the Model Makes Its Decision.

Fast IG Paper


Fast IG Slides


IDG Paper



Optional Assignment 3


Optional Assignment 1 is Due


January 30, 2024


February 1, 2024

7.     Neural SDEs: Robust & Explainable Analysis of Electromagnetic Unintended Radiated Emissions.


8.     Self-Attention Attribution: Interpreting Information Interactions Inside Transformer

EM IG Paper


Attention Paper


Attention Slides

Assignment 4


Optional Assignment 2 is Due


February 6, 2024


February 8, 2024



Assignment 5


Optional Assignment 3 is Due




February 13, 2024


February 15, 2024




February 20, 2024


February 22, 2024


In-class Captum Exercise



February 27, 2024


February 29, 2024



Optional Assignment 4 is Due



March 5, 2024


March 7, 2024

9. IDGI: A Framework to Eliminate Explanation Noise from Integrated Gradients
Also covers GIG and BlurIG.



IDGI Paper

IDGI Slides







Project/Survey Proposal is Due (30% of class credit)


Student Paper Presentation is Due (10% of class credit)


March 12, 2024


March 14, 2024


Student Proposal Presentations


Student Proposal Presentations



Optional Assignment 5 is Due



March 19, 2024


March 21, 2024



Student Paper Presentations  





March 26, 2024


March 28, 2024



Student Paper Presentations  



Project or Survey Presentation is Due (30% of class credit)


April 2, 2024


April 4, 2024

11.  Dehallucinating Large Language Models Using Formal Methods Guided Iterative Prompting


12.  Counterexample Guided Inductive Synthesis Using Large Language Models and Satisfiability Solving


De-hallucinating Paper


Planning LLM Paper


April 9, 2024


April 11, 2024

13.  Probabilistic Outputs for Support Vector Machines and Comparisons to Regularized Likelihood Methods

14.  On Calibration of Modern Neural Networks


Lecture on Shapley Values

Platt Scaling Paper


Platt Slides


Calibration Paper


Calibration Slides

Student Project Presentation with Evaluation Metrics is Due (29% of class credit)


April 16, 2024


April 18, 2024

Student Project/Survey Presentations

1. Vis

2. Ric

3. Tia

4. Raj


1. Joc

2. Bri

3. Ker

4. Nin


1. Fra

2. Sye

3. Nei

4. Moh




April 23, 2024

Final Examination Week



Class meeting


A calendar with green text

Description automatically generated






Additional Reading

 Attribution-Based Confidence Metric for Deep Neural Networks

ABC Metric Paper